We’re here because you care.

Fellow Mortals is entirely funded by private gifts.
Your financial contributions are the lifeblood of our Wildlife Hospital.

We receive absolutely no public funding or financial support from any governmental body.
Today, you can help us give injured and orphaned wild creatures a second chance.

Donation Form (#14)

Fellow Mortals is entirely funded by private gifts.

Your financial contributions are the lifeblood of our Wildlife Hospital.

We receive absolutely no public funding or financial support from any governmental body.
Today, you can help us give injured and orphaned wild creatures a second chance.

You can make a difference for as little as $1 a month!

As part of Team Hope, you will receive quarterly email updates about how your donations are providing direct care to injured and orphaned wildlife and how you are helping to educate to keep wild animals from being injured and orphaned.
  • $1.00 feeds a Screech owl for one day
  • $5.00 feeds a Deer for one week
  • $10.00 pays for medicines used for initial care for one animal
  • $25.00 feeds 10 songbirds for one week
  • $50.00 pays for X-rays for five animals
  • $100 provides pain medicine for 10 animals
  • $200 provides all critical care for one animal
  • $500 provides all food for 500 animals for one day
If you wish to make your gift in Memory or Honor of someone special,
or to leave other comments, please select below:
Please tell us where to send a card (you will receive a copy, as well):
(To make a One-Time Donation, change the selection above.)
$5.00 for each month

No amount has been specified yet.

Would you like to help the animals every month?
Join Team Hope Today!

To find out how you can become a vital part of our support team, Click Here!

Fellow Mortals, Inc. is a charitable corporation organized under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Our volunteer professionals provide rehabilitative care seven days a week, all year long. Fellow Mortals does not receive any funding from the Department of Natural Resources, any other government agency, or your tax dollars. Donations are the life-blood of the facility.

Fellow Mortals is licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to care for native mammals from Wisconsin, and by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to care for migratory birds from Wisconsin and Illinois.

For information about the regulation of wildlife rehabilitation & transport, please consult the following links:

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